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Next Geosolutions

Oil & Energy ยท London

Next Geosolutions (NextGeo) is an international marine geoscience and offshore construction support service provider operatin ... g primarily in the energy, infrastructure, and utilities markets. Established in late 2014, NextGeo is recognised as a leading player in its field providing high quality, cost-efficient solutions covering the entire life cycle of assets and projects, from their initial conception at design stage, throughout engineering, installation, inspection and maintenance, up to decommissioning. Part of the Marnavi Group - the largest Italian ship-owner operating globally in the offshore industry, NextGeo combines the knowledge, expertise, and resources of teams and individuals with over 30 years of success in the marine and offshore industry with its consultancy, engineering and operational capabilities leading to true turn-key solutions. With a fleet of 15 state-of-the-art DP class 1 and 2 vessels and a multi-national blend of around 230 skilled and experienced professionals (our biggest asset), NextGeo offers a variety of services from specialised consultancy to marine geophysical, geotechnical, environmental and archaeological surveying, and from UXO survey, removal and relocation to offshore construction support services. #nextgeo #goingdeepersailingfurther read more

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