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Medical Devices · La Verpillière

As a world-leading drug device combination solutions specialist, our purpose of putting patients first enables us to design a ... nd manufacture devices that maximize treatment efficacy. We are the utmost holistic partner and help our customers succeed in the sprint to market. From early device strategy to state-of-the-art manufacturing, we're committed to the highest quality standards. Agile and open-minded, we work with our customers as colleagues. Together, we go the extra mile to fulfill our mission. Nemera’s services and products cover five key delivery routes: ● Ophthalmic (preservative-free multidose eyedroppers) ● Nasal, Buccal, Auricular (pumps, valves and actuators for sprays), ● Inhalation (pMDI, DPIs) ● Dermal and Transdermal (airless & atmospheric dispensers) ● Parenteral (auto-injectors, pens, safety devices & implanters) At Nemera, we put patients first when designing, developing and manufacturing drug delivery devices because we know that accurate dosing and ergonomics contribute to patients completing their treatment. Whether they are Nemera proprietary or customer owned, our devices receive the utmost care because we know how critical they are for patients’ health and well-being. Interested in joining a team that truly enjoys working together and prides itself on being at the forefront of innovation and quality? Do you always go the extra mile to deliver on your commitments? Want to feel proud of your work because it improves patients’ lives? If you're ready to help us grow our business and make a real difference, please visit or contact us at read more

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