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Chemicals · Manassas, VA

NatSurFact is a Rhamnolipid based line of Biosurfactant products that can be used for personal care and cleaning products. Rh ... amnolipids are a naturally occurring class of compounds that have surface active (surfactant) properties. In nature, many species of single-celled organisms produce rhamnolipids to help them survive. The NatSurFact Team is harnessing these organisms to produce rhamnolipids efficiently to now help us live better lives, too. Rhamnolipids are made up of fats and sugars – which is why they have such good environmental and safety characteristics. NatSurFact is made from a renewable source – vegetable oil - and made in a natural fermentation process. It is mild when we use it to wash skin, hair, and home, and does not hurt the environment after use. In all phases of its life, NatSurFact's life is environmentally friendly. The NatSurFact team is focused on bringing the benefits of NatSurFact – a cost-effective, powerful, and environmentally friendly product – to the world. Our close-knit team works together with all our partners – both upstream and downstream – to develop better products for personal care, cosmetics, and household and industrial cleaners, as well as anywhere else surfactants can be used. NatSurFact is doing good, one batch of surfactant at a time. read more

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