Nationwide Guard Services, Inc. (PPO17430) - Similar companies

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Nationwide Guard Services, Inc. (PPO17430)

Security and Investigations · Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Nationwide Guard Services, Inc. prides itself on being family owned and operated. With John L. Woolen, Founder, and James E. ... Woolen, President/CEO, interacting in the day to day activities, our clients are our first priority. We believe in hands-on management and actively participate in delivering the security service we promise and you expect. The Founder and CEO are not only involved in the day to day activities of Nationwide Guard Services, Inc., they are on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for our clients. They believe better customer service and a healthy client relationship will build Nationwide into a global security company. Through caring people, Nationwide Guard Services delivers security and protection services to enhance our customers’ productivity. We bring service solutions to property owners, managers and users optimizing the value of their investment, and the use of their facilities. In doing this we also deliver value to our stakeholders, such as Nationwide Guard employees, alliance partners and the communities in which we live and work. Nationwide Guard Services strives to be the first choice for innovative and responsive service solutions to facilities and properties. We do this by hiring reliable employees with a strong work ethic, empowering them, and using state-of-the-art technology and processes. read more

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