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Multiple Card Systems A/S

Mechanical or Industrial Engineering ยท Copenhagen

MCS supplies fuel and fluid management systems and solutions across Europe, New Zealand, Australia, The Middle East, South Af ... rica and North America to a range of industries. Our systems allow them to increase their operating efficiency, reduce costs and increase the security of their fuel and fluid stocks. We develop and manufacture a complete range of fuel management systems and associated products that are suitable for all sizes of company or private organisation. Our web based management tools and on-line interfaces allow you to efficiently manage transaction information and our terminals will compliment any existing pump or system you may already have installed. MCS have over 30 years experience with more than 20,000 systems installed globally - Whether your company is Marine, air or road based our systems could save you money. MCS are constantly looking for distributors to join the MCS global network. Contact us today for further information. read more

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