MSc in Computational Architecture UWE Bristol - Similar companies

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MSc in Computational Architecture UWE Bristol

Higher Education ยท Bristol

ABE is proud to announce the MSc in Computational Architecture, a design research programme that expands the knowledge of per ... vasive-media designers on a triaxial modality, namely #simulation and #fabrication, underpinned with #criticalThinking. In collaboration with the Centre for Fine Print Research CFPR, the programme blends #architectural #design with #rapidPrototyping. Challenge your curious, creative mind as you change the way you think about the design process. You'll explore contemporary issues in architectural modelling, from design to fabrication. #Biomimicary #ComputationalArchitecture #BioMaterials #AutomatedFabrication #Metaheuristics #CognitiveTheory #GenerativeDesign #MachineLearning read more

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