Moon Valley GmbH @ XIBIX Solutions GmbH - Similar companies

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Moon Valley GmbH @ XIBIX Solutions GmbH

Information Technology and Services · Hamburg

To the Moon! Digital media is the new frontier. We can boost your company's digital media business! Moon Valley provides web- ... based applications and tools to plan, facilitate and track digital media sales and rentals. We will adapt our proven software packages to meet your company's specific needs. • Repertoire and Digital Asset Management Our Databases keep track of all your digital content. Movies, TV-Seasons and Episodes, Music and Interactive Content can be managed on IP-, Product- and Asset levels. You can gather all your metadata and supplementary materials (from synopses to promotional images to bonus video material) in a centralized, easy-to-access location, both for in-house use and external partners. • Asset Storage and Delivery Terabytes of Data? We are not afraid! We can host your digital assets on our servers. Moon Valley offers storage & archival, automated conversions to a multitude of formats, secure transfer to business partners or delivery to consumers. Contact us for a tailor-made solution or try Clip connect (in german), our affordable ready-to-use system • Operations HD? Surround? Anamorphic Cinemascope? Subtitles in Bulgarian? Keep track of the production, encoding and delivery of your digital assets. Make sure all involved parties have up-to-date information. Create Metadata XML files that confirm to the standards defined by iTunes and other digital media stores. Complete with synopses, scene pictures, trailers and everything you need to advertise your digital products. • Sales Tracking and Analysis Where My Sales At? Import item-by-item sales reports from digital media stores like iTunes. Check for plausibility and inconsistencies. Calculate your royalties! Percentages, Min fees, Minimum Guarantees - we can handle it. Create a multitude of reports - analyse sales and royalties by date, title, HD/SD, genre, sales channel and more. Billing and SAP interface included. read more

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