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Computer Software · Tel Aviv, IL

Hey, we’re Monkeytech 👋 We create senior-level dedicated development teams, to power fast-moving tech companies, for long-ter ... m collaboration. We work with mid-sized and large enterprises who seek to extend their in‑house development and product teams. Mostly, we’re a happy family of monkeys who love what they do - create smart & beautiful products and work with great people. Our story: Founded in 2012 by Mamram graduates, film graduates and digital art professionals, Monkeytech combines creative worlds with user experience, high end technology, software and innovation. Today, with a team of 50 talented monkeys, after working with leading companies and entrepreneurs from all over the world, we really know what it takes to build great teams for our clients. We believe: That it all comes to great people, who are passionate about what they create. We believe in creative thinking along with agility, in open and professional dialogue, in adapting the newest practices, in doing things right. We’ll bring a lot from our rich experience to the table and truly become part of your brand and company. read more

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