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Meyer Group Ltd

Consumer Goods · Bromborough, Wirral

Meyer Group Ltd was founded in the UK in the early 1980s and has built its reputation on producing top quality, innovative co ... okware. Over the past twenty years Meyer has become a world leader in cooking innovation and is now the UK’s largest manufacturer and supplier of kitchenware. Meyer brands include Anolon, Circulon, Raymond Blanc, Prestige, Cake Boss and Silverstone. Based in the North-West of England since its launch in the 1980s, the Meyer Group Ltd built its new headquarters in 2002 with a high bay warehousing and distribution facility of 150,000 sq ft.. Meyer Group Ltd is certified as a quality endorsed company and complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. Follow Meyer Group Ltd on Twitter: @meyergroupltd read more

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