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Mercury Fuel Systems Ltd

Automotive ยท Avonmouth, Bristol

Do you want to reduce your fuel bills by 15%? Mercury Fuel Systems Ltd are pleased to offer our innovative Quicksilver-AFI fu ... lly sequential LPG injection system designed and developed for most HGV diesel engines up to Euro6 specification. The most effective, safest and sophisticated LPG/DIESEL blend system ever seen, Quicksilver seamlessly blends both fuels in precise quantities optimising emissions and economy. Contact me and see how you can reduce your fuel costs by up to 15% and each vehicles carbon footprint by approximately 5 tonnes per 100000kms Mercury sets new standards for reliability, economy, truck and driver safety and diagnostics. All components including the ECU, switch, software, firmware & harnesses have been developed using a radical approach to design which has resulted in the Quicksilver-AFI. Always aware of change, evolution of the Quicksilver range now includes research into other alternative liquid fuels such as LNG and CNG at our R&D base in Avonmouth. The centre piece of the facility is a fully programmable 750BHP MAHA chassis dynamometer backed by the latest emissions and fuel flow analysis equipment. read more

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