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Meemic Insurance Company

Insurance ยท Auburn Hills, MI - Michigan

Meemic Insurance Company provides personal auto, homeowners, boat, and umbrella coverages to teachers and other educational e ... mployees in the state of Michigan. In 1950, seven teachers formed Meemic based on their belief that they could provide an invaluable service to their fellow educators by offering high-quality, affordable insurance protection. Nearly 60 years later, Meemic remains a Michigan-based company that proudly reflects our roots in the educational community, and a commitment to offering the finest possible protection, products and service at affordable rates. Meemic is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Auto Club Insurance Association, the second largest provider of auto insurance in Michigan based on net premiums written. Meemic is rated A (Excellent) by A. M. Best. Our stability and reputation for integrity builds the confidence of our insureds, and is the foundation for our continued growth. read more

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