medDPC Healthcare Solution Inc. - Similar companies

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medDPC Healthcare Solution Inc.

Hospital & Health Care · Lincoln, Nebraska

medDPC is a collaborative of physicians, software engineers, and community investors working to build socially conscious soft ... ware platforms for healthcare. There is a movement in America to provide better outcomes, lower costs, and prevent wasteful spending in the healthcare industry. It’s being done through a simple, flat, and affordable monthly subscription plan combined with cash-based pricing for labs, imaging, and specialty surgery. It's an alternative to the traditional insurance-driven fee-for-service healthcare coverage that has skyrocketed American healthcare costs and deteriorated outcomes. By fixing a monthly payment and not having to deal with insurance, doctors are incentivized to spend more time with patients, keeping them healthier. Note, subscription healthcare is often used in conjuction with a high deductible catastrophic insurance plan to cover costs that your primary care provider can not address (major incidents). read more

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