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McGill Concrete Canoe

Civil Engineering · Montreal, Quebec

McGill Concrete Canoe is made up of more than 50 undergraduate students who annually design and build a canoe out of concrete ... to compete against dozens of universities nationwide. The idea sounds crazy, but that is exactly what makes it a challenging and exciting project to work on. The catch? It must float completely submerged below the surface of the water. Solving the problem involves creating a unique concrete mix that is both light and strong, designing the hull of the canoe using structural analysis methods, constructing the canoe precisely to design specifications, and ultimately racing the canoe. Supported by one of the best schools in Canada, the team has aggressively climbed the standings in only a few years of existence. In 2017 we placed fifth overall at the Canadian National Concrete Canoe Competition, highlighted by our fourth place ranking in the oral presentation portion of the competition. Over the past five years our team continues to improve and grow, with no sign of slowing down. Our members are passionate and innovative – we never stop raising the bar. read more

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