Matthews the Printers Ltd - Similar companies

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Matthews the Printers Ltd

Printing ยท Chingford, London

Since 1984 Matthews has been making it happen for our clients. With a passion for print, customer service and innovation we c ... ontinuously strive for excellence in order to deliver the best product and service we can. We understand how important our clients are and we aim to become a part of their teams as opposed to just a supplier as it enables us to really understand their brand and ensure it is represented correctly across everything we produce. Our purpose is to make routes to market for our clients communications simple, efficient, innovative and stress-free. Our vision is to be the most reliable, client-focussed and innovative supplier of exceptional customer service, end-to-end print and communications. We also empower people to 'make it happen' through inspiration and innovation. Our values are: - Excellence - we are consistently trusted to deliver excellence Responsibility - we care for our environment and deliver environmentally sustainable results Innovative - by looking to the future we are able to offer market leading technology, processes and products Agility - we believe in pro-active and flexible approach, under-pinned by our in-house expertise and capabilities Empowering - we empower clients with the ability to control projects at every stage and have the confidence that the results will exceed expectations. read more

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