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Mastics Moriches Shirley Community Library

Libraries · Shirley, New York

The Community Library was established by the voters of the William Floyd School District in the summer of 1974. Our doors fir ... st opened to the public on June 14, 1975, located in two portable classrooms on the William Floyd School District property. On June 1, 1977, the Library relocated to a storefront on William Floyd Parkway. On December 12, 1979, a bond issue was approved to build a permanent Library. That bond issue funded the current building, built on donated land and opened in March of 1982. In December of 1995, a 24,000 sq. ft. addition was dedicated, increasing the Community Library to 44,000 sq. ft. Approval for this expansion was given by the voters on October 19, 1992. The Community Library has been a leader in providing innovative services since its creation including: Leadership in the field of automation Dynamic children’s and family programming Innovative service for teens Services for senior citizens Friends of the Arts cultural activities Literacy & ESOL Services Community outreach initiatives Digital services and technology support Career and college readiness assistance Lifelong learning opportunities for all Partnerships with local businesses and organizations The Library has received recognition in such major media as Library Journal, Newsday, and the New York Times. News organizations such as NBC’s Channel 4 and Channel 12 News have filmed news coverage in the Community Library. The Library has been the recipient of numerous grants in support of our unique programs and services. read more

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