Mark Bailey Associates Limited - Similar companies

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Mark Bailey Associates Limited

Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing ยท Hatfield, England

Mark Bailey Associates have many years of experience within the Street Lighting Industry working with local authorities, cont ... ractors, architects and designers. By bringing a lot of experience to the table with our personalised services and partnering with our clients we have designed, specified and purchased many solutions to meet particular needs. We are a company that adds value to projects when working together with clients. By being able to bring together a number of specialised manufacturers we are able to ensure the right levels of service and to find the right equipment for you. MBA sources the best manufacturer to meet your specification and budget and we will also advise you on the possibilities available no matter how decorative or extraordinary. With a reputation for pragmatic solutions and a network of suppliers, MBA can help you source street lighting products, provide technical specifications, drawings and advice. MBA have recently developed our own lantern ranges, the Muirfield and Birkdale are both of heritage style and fuse traditional aesthetics with modern LED technology. Our vison when developing the lanterns was to deliver market leading quality products and are one of the only UK manufacturers to have ENEC approval on our range read more

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