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Internet · Los Angeles, California

Maestro is an all-in-one interactive video platform and live streaming solution designed to convert passive audiences into ac ... tive customers. Maestro’s proprietary, easy-to-use platform unlocks the full potential of live streaming and on-demand content through two-way communication, personalized experiences, and measurable business insights. Maestro is utilized by the world’s biggest brands and talent such as Apple, Billie Eilish, Fortnite, Pandora, VidCon, Microsoft, Fortnite, Coachella, The Grammys, Activision Blizzard, Adweek, Dallas Cowboys, Adobe, Tim McGraw and many more. Maestro has raised over $22 million from a distinct group of strategic companies, venture capital firms, and industry titans including NetEase, Sony Music Entertainment, Acronym Venture Capital, SeventySix Capital, Stadia Ventures, Twitch co-founder Kevin Lin, and Mike and Amy Morhaime via Moonwell Capital. read more

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