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MA Program in Interaction Design

Design · Denton, Texas

The UNT Department of Design’s Master’s of Art (MA) in Design with a concentration in Interaction Design is a design-centric, ... 30-credit-hour set of learning experiences that can be completed in less than 16 months. Our curriculum prepares graduate students from a wide variety of academic and professional disciplines to either enhance and expand their established user experience and interaction design career paths, or transition into these. The coursework that constitutes our “MA in IxD curriculum” has been designed to help those enrolled in it cultivate and strengthen the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in a variety of professional UX and IX design environments. Specifically, this array of classes is designed to develop leaders that have constructed deep understandings of human-centered and evidence-based approaches to designing the kinds of user experiences that make interactive systems useful, usable and enjoyable to operate. The curriculum is cross-disciplinary and challenges students to leverage connections between design, the social sciences, marketing and logistics, and the computing sciences. Individuals and groups within organizations can choose to enroll in specific courses as “non-degree-seeking students” if they wish to learn content taught within them, and if there are spaces available in those courses during the semesters in which they are taught. read more

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