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Lyceum Institute of Vocational Excellence

Education Management · Hendra, Queensland

Lyceum IVE provides comprehensive apprenticeship training, through its Australian Apprenticeships Centre, Registered Training ... Organisation and Group Training Organisation. Lyceum IVE provides high quality training and assessment services for Australian Apprentices, participating in a wide range of nationally recognised qualifications. Lyceum IVE has a reputation for delivering quality training and promoting and developing an educated, skilled and flexible workforce. Vocational Educational and Training (VET) is the core business of our organisation. We deliver training through our Registered Training Organisation (RTO), provide employment opportunities through our Group Training Organisation (GTO) and promote vocational educational and training through our Australian Apprenticeship Centre (AAC). The range of services provided by Lyceum IVE includes: •Mentoring and pastoral care to our diverse range of trainees and apprentices; •Access to a range of industry network support agencies; •A range of customised training programs; •Australian apprenticeship training, assessment and support; •Skills-set programs to address specific needs and shortages identified by companies and industry organisations; and •Skills recognition for candidates seeking formal qualifications for existing skills, underpinning knowledge and experience. Lyceum IVE objectives include being able to: •Identify and respond to the diverse needs of the industries of our clients; •Provide flexibility for Australian Apprentices to access and successfully progress through learning pathways; •Ensure the currency, relevance and industry focus of our courses and programs; •Improve resources (human and material) and programs through continuous quality review and evaluation; and •Develop the potential of our staff to work with new and innovative learning methodologies. read more

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