Loreto Abbey Dalkey - Similar companies

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Loreto Abbey Dalkey

Higher Education · Dalkey, Dublin
Website: www.loretoabbeydalkey.com

Loreto Abbey offers an educational experience rooted in the core values of Mary Ward (1585-1645), the founder of the Institut ... e of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She saw the amazing potential in all women for involvement in the church and in society. She particularly recognised the importance of education for girls so as they in her words, could be educated for a praiseworthy Christian life in the world. She proposed that justice, freedom, sincerity, truth and joy be central to the spirituality of a Loreto school, values as pertinent for our time as they were for hers. Our school strives to make tangible these core values. We provide a holistic centred education in which relationships are characterised by respect, honesty, justice, sincerity, courage and compassion. We recognise the importance of faith development and we seek to introduce our students to a reflective way of living. We hope to provide a supportive environment where every girl is encouraged to realise her potential. Our State examination results reflect the school’s high academic standards and the importance we place on teaching and learning. This, however, is not the sole focus of the school. We encourage students to participate in a wide ranging co-curricular programme and in so doing nurture their holistic development. Most importantly, we encourage our school community to look outwards and become agents for social change through involvement in initiatives supporting justice. read more

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