Loomis Basin Equine Medical Group - Similar companies

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Loomis Basin Equine Medical Group

Veterinary ยท Penryn, CA
Website: www.lbemc.com

Loomis Basin Equine has been serving Northern California for over 40 years. Our group of practices includes Loomis Basin Equi ... ne (Medical Center in Penryn, CA, Yuba-Sutter Division, Wilton Division, El Dorado Division) Sierra Equine (Penn Valley), Amador Equine (Sutter), Napa Valley Equine (Napa), and North Coast Veterinary Hospital (Fortuna and Arcata). There are approximately 30 equine veterinarians within the group comprised of generalists and specialists in surgery, internal medicine, sports medicine, and critical care. All of our practices combined provide ambulatory veterinary care to a large part of northern California. Loomis Basin Equine Medical Center is a 25 acre facility (with full medical and surgical capabilities) comprised of a 6 stall ICU, two main barns, surgery suite, 3 exam rooms, and extensive arenas, paddocks, and other facilities. read more

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