Loch Fyne Oysters Ltd - Similar companies

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Loch Fyne Oysters Ltd

Food & Beverages ยท Cairndow, Argyll
Website: www.lochfyne.com

Loch Fyne's award-winning smoked and marinated salmon products are produced in its smokehouse at the head of Loch Fyne in Arg ... yll on the west coast of Scotland. The guiding principle behind Loch Fyne is to present the best in authentic Scottish seafood, whilst minimising our environmental impact and making a positive contribution to the place we are proud to call home. All of the company's salmon products are responsibly grown and sourced exclusively from GlobalG.A.P. approved farms on Loch Fyne and elsewhere in Scotland, ensuring that we support the highest farming standards including traceability throughout the supply chain. read more

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