Multi-location marketing is the #1 opportunity to increase sales or address underperformance across a digital & physical sale ... s network. Speak with the experts today and maximize sales across your business. We specialise in helping companies maximize their sales at every location with a simple plug and play solution. We work alongside your existing marketing to ensure you outperform local competitors. 24 Hour Audits 24 Hour Set-Up 24 Hour Results Test & Learn with our pilot program Access to 2 billion new local customers Fully transparent with full data ownership Flexible management: use our In-house tools or leave it to us! Locationify™ is the market leader and this year we will deliver over 250 million new local customer engagements for our clients and over 500,000 new sales. Developed by the team behind some of the largest Adtech and Martech companies including Google, Facebook and Amazon we will allow you to quickly respond to changing local demand and discover new sales opportunities to grow your business. read more
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