Welcome to the LloydsPharmacy Ireland Linkedin page. At LloydsPharmacy we believe that health is more than just the opposite ... of being sick, and it is more than just how our bodies feel. Being healthy puts a bounce in our step and a smile on our face. It means being able to live life to the fullest and having a positive feeling. It is this positivity that helps us get well and stay well. Our goal is to engage our Customers one by one, to enhance their healthcare experience regardless of lifestyle or life stage. Our Vision At LloydsPharmacy our vision is a healthier world where more people can live life to the fullest. Our Mission Our mission is to effectively, efficiently and passionately deliver an innovative healthcare service that inspires more positive lives. Our Company Values Trust, Respect , Inclusiveness, Pioneering, Passionate. Our Brand Values • Value for money: A wide range of products and services are provided with excellent value for money. • Innovation: we consistently look towards new and improved ways of working to differentiate ourselves with regards to new product ranges, improved services and efficiencies which allow our Colleagues to spend more time with our Customers. • Customer Focus: You will encounter a positive and committed attitude form our Colleagues to help you get well and stay well. read more
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