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Litron Lasers Ltd.

Nanotechnology · Rugby

Litron Lasers is a manufacturer of high energy solid-state pulsed and CW Nd:YAG and Nd:YLF lasers with nanosecond pulse width ... s. All lasers are designed and manufactured in Rugby, England. Litron was formed in 1997 and developed a technology base for manufacturing high energy nanosecond solid state lasers. A extensive range of lasers for Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), LIBS, Laser Shock Peening, LIDAR and many other Scientific and Industrial processes. With many thousands of lasers installed worldwide, the design and manufacturing integrity of our products is truly field proven. Litron’s philosophy is to keep all design and a significant proportion of manufacturing in-house. As a result all electronics, mechanics, software and all optics for the lasers are designed at Litron. This structure results in not having to rely on third-party support when supporting our own products, a significant customer benefit. As well as an extremely comprehensive range of standard products Litron offers the expertise to produce complex custom Nd:YAG and other solid-state laser systems. As part of Litron’s continued expansion and growth we are looking for exceptional individuals to join our established team within all disciplines. Litron Lasers operates an equal opportunity policy and welcomes applications from people of all diverse backgrounds. read more

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