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E-Learning · Edinburgh, Scotland

Lingo+ is an ErasmusPlus project funded by the European Commission. We build an alliance for multilingual and multicultural c ... ompetences for teachers. We intend to bridge the gap between schools and teaching in multilingual and multicultural settings creating a set of tools and teaching materials addressed to: - teachers of foreign languages, as they are on the front line in teaching one or more languages; -teachers of other subjects that would like to teach in other languages (e.g. CLIL); -students of all ages, even if we believe our tools will be especially (but not only) implemented by high-schools. The main objectives of our project are: - facilitating the acquisition of linguistic and intercultural abilities; - promoting coordination of lessons, with a view to greater coherence and synergy between the learning of foreign, regional, minority and classical languages, the language(s) of schooling, and also the language dimension of all subjects; - supporting teachers to acquire the principals of multilingualism and intercultural awareness and learn how to incorporate them in their daily routine; - developing both dimensions of language (linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic knowledge, skills and existential competences) and cultural (knowledge, skills and existential competencies relevant to social groups who speak a given language and their cultures) competencies; - develop multilingualism competencies emphasising their social role in terms of employability, social relations and tolerance towards other cultures; The partnership consists of Amolingua Ltd (Scotland), Euphoria Net (Italy), Cofac Cooperativa de formacao e animacao cultural (Portugal), Budapest Metropolitan Egyetem (Hungary), Istanbul Avrupa Arastirmalari Derneği (Turkey), Krystal Microsoft Academy (England). This project has received funding from the European+ programme, project reference 2020-1-UK01-KA201-079026 read more

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