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Insurance ยท West Leederville, Western Australia
Website: lgiswa.com.au

LGIS is a not-for-profit industry based self-insurance scheme, owned by over 147 WA Local Governments. Established in 1995 wi ... th a simple aim; manage your exposure to risk through coordinated risk management, claims management and injury management with cost effective, stable and financially sound coverage. LGIS members benefit from economies of scale by pooling funds to protect each other and sharing the ongoing benefits that are available over the long term. Over our 21-year history, LGIS has developed into a sophisticated self-insurance scheme with risk management at its core and specialties in areas including: : Human resource management : Health and wellbeing programs : Injury management : Emergency and business continuity risk management : Property risk management : Organisational risk management : Liability risk management : Occupational health and safety With members including the City of Stirling and the City of Belmont you are in good company, and safe hands. To find out more about LGIS and our work, visit www.lgiswa.com.au or call our friendly team on (08) 9483 8888. read more

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