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LGBT Life Center

Individual & Family Services · Norfolk, VA

We’re incredibly proud of our nearly 30-year history in Hampton Roads. When we started in 1989, we focused on women and child ... ren living with HIV/AIDS. Over the years, as HIV has changed, our work has changed. Our organization has grown as well, and we’re ready to meet the diverse needs of our community. Today, LGBT Life Center’s commitment to a healthy Hampton Roads remains as strong as ever. In 1989, CANDII (Children’s AIDS Network) and Full Circle AIDS Hospice Support were two individual agencies working in Hampton Roads to better the community and help those affected by HIV/AIDS. Each did their part to serve their respective clients and educate the community. In 2006, a merger between Full Circle AIDS Hospice Support and CANDII formed AIDS Care Center for Education and Supportive Services. The two agencies came together with a common mission: to serve more individuals and families that are impacted by HIV/AIDS in Hampton Roads. At that time, the agency became ACCESS AIDS Care, uniting the two causes and bringing together two solid reputations to better serve our community. Five years later, ACCESS AIDS Care, together with The Elton John AIDS Foundation, Advocates for Youth, and many wonderful LGBT advocates, opened The LGBT Center of Hampton Roads in June 2011. In 2017, ACCESS AIDS Care and The LGBT Center of Hampton Roads expanded their mission and rebranded as the LGBT Life Center. read more

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