Leotek Electronics USA LLC - Similar companies

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Leotek Electronics USA LLC

Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing · San Jose, California
Website: www.leotek.com

Leading the LED Industry Since 1992 Leotek Electronics USA LLC, located in California’s Silicon Valley since 1997, and celebr ... ating over twenty years as an LED lighting manufacturer, is globally recognized as a pioneer in light-emitting diode technology. With millions of LED products installed worldwide, Leotek offers a substantial history of proven performance. The company manufactures innovative LED lighting products for applications encompassing traffic and transit; street and area; petroleum, convenience, grocery and retail stores. Leotek is committed to developing emerging solid-state technology that offers greater longevity and environmental viability than traditional lighting sources, while reducing energy consumption and maintenance costs. In 2007, Leotek was acquired by Lite-On Group, a multi-billion dollar electronics manufacturing conglomerate. For more information, please visit www.leotek.com. read more

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