Independent Workplace Drug And Alcohol Screening. Lemon Cherry provide and maintain an independent cost effective approach to ... on and off site workplace screening for UK and International clients. Lemon Cherry, along with their maritime, aviation, road haulage and passenger transport clients pride themselves on including SME’s and those businesses where staff numbers are such that a more statutory obligation is not required. Businesses who themselves have identified the value of screening and the protocol that allows a transparency for all staff to be conscious of the need for safety and awareness to the work environment in respect of drugs and alcohol. Lemon Cherry utilise the latest technology and approved substantive equipment and our laboratory partner scheme ensures a flexible service and only engaged when required. Lemon Cherry does not seek to bind clients into contracts in the knowledge that the work and service provided by Lemon Cherry will in itself maintain a close working and continuous relationship. Lemon Cherry operate from many locations within the UK and worldwide. Services A one call solution. Whatever methodology, be it oral fluid, breath, urine or hair, Lemon Cherry is active 24/7 365 days a year. Lemon Cherry provide a call out service with a maximum 2 hour response time for clients on a retainer scheme. Lemon Cherry can programme manage your individual testing requirements together with an investigative approach to drug and alcohol related issues. Lemon Cherry work within agreed service levels but do not require lengthy contractual agreements, recognising that ‘needs’ generate the demand. We are able to maintain your emphasis to the necessary Drug and Alcohol Policy on or off site. With our own screening units we therefore further minimise the abstraction necessary to accommodate the procedure(s). read more
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