Lehigh University Mechanical Engineering - Similar companies

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Lehigh University Mechanical Engineering

Higher Education ยท Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Website: engineering.lehigh.edu

Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics at Lehigh University, part of the P.C. Rossin College of En ... gineering and Applied Science. The programs in our department are designed to prepare students for satisfying and productive careers in a wide variety of fields. Some of the topics studied in this discipline include solid and fluid mechanics, engineering materials, product design and manufacturing, thermodynamics, and control systems. Our professors, renowned for their research, provide world-class instruction and access to research opportunities and independent study projects. Our department offers students a comprehensive education grounded in the fundamentals of the discipline while incorporating invaluable hands-on experience opportunities. Visit us at engineering.lehigh.edu/meche to learn more about our dynamic and vibrant learning community! read more

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