Legumbres Luengo SA - Similar companies

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Legumbres Luengo SA

Food & Beverages · Riego de la Vega, León
Website: www.legumbresluengo.com

It all started in La Bañeza, León, a region in northwest Spain where pulses are a true symbol of identity. Our company was es ... tablished almost one hundred years ago so, yes, we might have traditional roots, but we like change. Proof is in the decades we have spent working to change our products with the times. We started selling our dried pulses, the way it had always been done, and later, in the 80s, we introduced our cooked range, sold in jars. Recently we have added to our pulse family other options suitable for today's lifestyle, such as the pulse and vegetable combinations or our mini options. Our wide selection and the quality of our products make us one of the market leading brands. Our aim is to carry on working, offering our clients new and tasty ways to enjoy our favourite thing: pulses. read more

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