LANEF (Lab Alliances on Nanosciences - Energies for the Future) is a ‘Laboratoire d’Excellence’ that associates five fundamen ... tal research labs based in Grenoble: Institut Néel, INAC, G2ELab, LNCMI and LPMMC. LANEF identifies and supports common objectives shared by these labs to address challenges in the domain of nanosciences, cryogenics, energies for the future and nanosensors for healthcare. It enhances synergies across the research teams, and deepens connections with R&D partners. Its strategic funding actions allow the acquisition of specific equipment and offer new opportunities for student and scientists to join this vibrant scientific community. LANEF gathers 740 scientists, engineers and technicians together with 400 PhD students and post-docs – split up into 9 thematic alliances. 1. Photonics and semiconductors 2. Spintronics and nanomagnetism 3. Quantum nanoelectronics 4. Electrical energy 5. Advanced superconductivity 6. New frontiers in cryogenics 7. Nanosensors and nanomaterials for healthcare and biology 8. Theoretical and Computational Physics 9. Facilities read more
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