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Lake Valley Camp

Program Development · Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Our Mission is to develop the abilities of high school students and young adults from underserved neighborhoods to teach, lea ... d and inspire children from the same neighborhoods. Participants enter the program at age seven and continue through high-school and beyond when they are employed by the organization. They develop life skills and social and emotional intelligence at each stage of their journey. Older participants benefit from leadership and college preparatory programs as well as hands-on teaching experiences within the organization. Every Lake Valley Camp program is based on the organization’s FOUR BELIEFS: 1. We believe that Every Living Being Has Inherent Value, and that every young person deserves high quality enrichment activities. 2. We believe that Everyone has the Power to Change Their World, and that if given the same opportunities, all young people can succeed. 3. We believe that The Community is Better When Everyone Contributes and that our communities will thrive only when every young person is involved. 4. We believe that We Can Only Grow When We are Honest About Our Mistakes and that youth need to be surrounded by caring adults who will accept them. Connect with us! twitter & instagram: lakevalleycamp read more

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