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La Trobe Financial

Financial Services · Melbourne, VIC

Founded in 1952, La Trobe Financial is Australia’s leading credit Asset Manager with offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Shanghai a ... nd Hong Kong. We have assisted over 205,000 people achieve their goal of financial independence through property ownership or growing their investments in our Credit Fund. We assist customers who have been under-served by traditional institutions for property finance. Today we are a $13 billion proven and trusted investment partner for institutional and retail investors alike for seven decades. La Trobe Financial has over 5,100 distribution points across its two growth engines. Wealth products are distributed through 1,600 advice practices and loans are distributed through 3,500 brokers. The La Trobe Australian Credit Fund is independently rated by Zenith, SQM Research, Lipper Ratings, Lonsec and Australian Ratings. La Trobe Financial is 80% owned by Blackstone a US$731bn investment manager based in New York and 20% owned by management. read more

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