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Paper & Forest Products · Järvelä, Etelä-Suomi
Website: www.koskisen.com

Koskisen is over hundred years old family owned business committed to wood. Koskisen’s aim is to grow as a family-owned compa ... ny by producing higher quality products and services for demanding customers. We strive to surpass our customers’ expectations every time. We know all about the demands placed on the products’ end uses and we promote our customers’ businesses through innovative product and service solutions. Koskisen’s core values are integrity, courage, creativity and profitability. Our product range includes solutions for the construction, transport and joinery industries and in addition we also produce various special products. More than half of our production is exported. Our primary market area is Europe, but we are also able to serve you worldwide through our network of Representative Offices. www.koskisen.com read more

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