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Kognitiv Hotel Technology

IT Services and IT Consulting · Vienna
Website: kognitiv.com

Kognitiv Hotel Technology optimizes the distribution activities of the travel industry with the help of an innovative busines ... s model via a central distribution platform. Kognitiv’s customers benefit from the full scope of the product portfolio in order to build up a solid workload for the upcoming seasons. Based on a constantly growing product portfolio in combination with a professional and well-rehearsed support team, Kognitiv provides a fully equipped toolbox that fully supports properties in the efficient realization of their sales goals by means of an intuitive and web-based interface. Kognitiv's portfolio includes a powerful booking engine with many revenue generating marketing features, connections to the most popular OTA and meta channels as well as hotel programs (PMS). In addition, Kognitiv provides hoteliers with a unique trading environment through exclusive loyalty programs, bringing them together with leading brands and increasing success through synergies. With this unique selling proposition, Kognitiv’s hotels do not only attract a new customer base, but also encourage existing customers to make repeat bookings! Go to https://kognitiv.com/hoteltechnology/ for information about our Hotel Technology, or to contact us by email for support or further information. Service phone EMEA: +43 1 236 5084-88 (Mo- Fr, 8am – 6pm CET) read more

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