Born from late-night hunger by founders Mark Manguera, Caroline Shin-Manguera and Chef Roy Choi, the Kogi truck is a travelin ... g Los Angeles landmark that serves up Korean Mexican tacos, day and night. Spicy Pork Tacos, Kimchi Quesadillas and Short Rib Sliders satiate the hungry mouths of Angelenos who crave excellent food on a dime budget. Quality Korean barbecue meets traditional, homemade tortillas and fresh veggies to create a taste that carries the rhythms of LA street culture and exudes the warmth of all that California sun. Under the direction of Chef Roy Choi, Kogi has developed a menu that delivers high-end food at street level prices. Twitter is used to communicate truck locations and Chef Roy Choi's daily specials to well over 50,000 loyal followers. Add some wheels to the mix and you've got yourself a restaurant that geographically responds to the flavor of the crowd - from Silver Lake to Eagle Rock to all the way down to Orange. Currently Kogi operates 4 trucks - Azul, Verde, Naranja and Roja - and fresh out of the kitchen at the Alibi Room in Culver City. read more
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