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Kleenoil USA Inc.

Transportation/Trucking/Railroad ยท Plano, Texas
Website: www.kleenoilusa.com

Kleenoil USA Inc. markets and sells the Kleenoil Bypass Filter System, a bypass filtration system. The Kleenoil Bypass Filter ... System is a bypass oil filtration system that passes only a small portion of the total oil flow through a very dense filter cartridge at about 2 to 3 quarts per minute. At this speed, it is possible to: Remove particles down to 1 micron, 3 absolute Remove 99.95% of all water from the oil Eliminate water and particle contamination Greatly decrease engine and component wear Extend oil life up to 5 times and hydraulic oil up to 10 times Reduce downtime The Kleenoil Bypass Filter System is a cost-effective and energy-conscious solution targeting an annual $13 billion potential oil market that is effective for internal combustion engines, hydraulic applications and automatic transmissions in the construction, trucking, oil field, transit, hydraulics, marine, OEM, mining, military, city-municipality-public works, agriculture, automotive, and power generating industries. Kleenoil USA Inc. currently owns the national distribution rights and manufacturing rights for Power Up Lubricants product line, worldwide distribution rights for Bio-Matrix oil and chemical remediation products, and is the exclusive distributor for Kleenoil Bypass Filter Systems in North America. read more

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