Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) - Similar companies

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Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE)

Higher Education ยท Frankfort, Kentucky

The Council on Postsecondary Education is Kentucky's adult and higher education coordinating agency committed to strengthenin ... g our workforce, economy and quality of life. We do this by guiding the continuous improvement and efficient operation of a high-quality, diverse, innovative, accessible and affordable system of postsecondary education. Key responsibilities include: - Developing and implementing a strategic agenda for postsecondary and adult education that includes measures of progress. - Producing and submitting a biennial budget request for adequate public funding of postsecondary education. - Determining tuition rates and admission criteria at public postsecondary institutions. - Collecting and distributing data about postsecondary education performance. - Ensuring the coordination and connectivity of technology among public institutions. - Administering adult education programs serving every county in Kentucky. - Licensing non-public postsecondary institutions to operate in the Commonwealth. read more

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