K.D. Feddersen Ueberseegesellschaft is your specialist for the worldwide trade and distribution of chemicals and technical pr ... oducts. We are part of the Feddersen Group, an expanding group of companies focusing on foreign trade, distribution and marketing of polymers, polymer production, mechanical engineering, stainless steel trade and knowledge-based services. Through subsidiaries and representatives in Europe, Asia and Latin America, we offer high-quality products for a wide range of industries: - Furniture Components/ Technical Products - Polymers & Compounding Technology - Specialty Chemicals / Plant Equipment We are adapting to the worldwide challenges that globalisation sets for us. Our open corporate culture supports us in this. Contact us: info@kdfeddersen.com Apply here: https://kdfeddersen.com/career/ Data privacy: https://kdfeddersen.com/data-privacy-statement/ Imprint: https://kdfeddersen.com/imprint/ read more
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