Kai Ming Association for Tai Chi Chuan - Similar companies

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Kai Ming Association for Tai Chi Chuan

Health, Wellness and Fitness · Birmingham, West Midlands
Website: www.kaiming.co.uk

Kai Ming translates as 'open minded' and was set up to teach all aspects of traditional tai chi. We focus on a core sylabus o ... f: • Cheng Man Ching 37 step form • Huang Shen Shyan 5 loosening exercises • Push-hands (Tui-shou) • Mindfulness • Weapons - swords, cane, fan, staff Kai Ming Association instructors run classes and workshops all across the Midlands, plus run on-site workshops for many organisations some of which are: • NHS • City Council • Schools • Powergen • E-on Regular classes are open to all levels and more advanced students can opt for one-to-one private lessons. read more

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