We specialize in the accompaniment of Governments through the implementation of public finance reforms & the improvement of c ... ountries revenue. We, through our expertise, build trust & promote good governance among our clients to influence their ability to create value & advance their development. We set high standards through our work quality & high integrity. We aim to be each company's preferred supplier. We commit significant resources to quality & independence to secure & advance K-POLYGONE through the development of our employees, our systems & processes development. K-POLYGONE team has international, multidisciplinary & multilingual experience in the Europe, Africa, Middle Eastern, Latin & North American markets. For 15 years, it has established a vast network of correspondents in many countries including India & China. Our Expertise: - Trade Facilitation – As an independent company, we use advanced technologies (including Blockchain) to implement tracking & financial systems. We implemented our platform for the issuance of mandatory official maritime transportation documents such as E.C.T.N. - Electronic Cargo tracking Notes (or B.E.S.C. – Bordereaux Electroniques de Suivi de Cargaison) and loading certificates. Our platform is ISO 9001 & 27001 certified. We receive national mandates in countries across the world to directly issue / validate on their behalf ECTN / BESC & Loading Certificate. - Certification - K-POLYGONE deploy its expertise to develop a range of modular value-added services that will enable all possible certifications on import, export, quality, weight and monetary value. - Investment & Funding – We carefully review any projects already fully approved by Governments. For the projects we validate, our investment is directly linked to the projects size and nature (over a period of five to fifteen years). “Together we build trust and create value” read more
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