Jurin Roofing Services Inc. - Similar companies

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Jurin Roofing Services Inc.

Construction ยท Pennsburg, PA
Website: www.jurinroofing.com

Jurin Roofing Services Inc. is a commercial and industrial roofing contractor specializing in the installation, repair and ma ... intenance of high quality roofing systems. In business for 40 years, Jurin Roofing Services Inc. has installed over 10 million square feet of commercial grade roofing assemblies throughout the United States. With offices located in Pennsylvania and Florida, Jurin Roofing provides top quality installation and maintenance services to a wide variety of customers and clients throughout the east coast. We serve the following states - Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. The firm provides additional services including roof asset management, non-penetrating moisture surveys using infrared technology and design services. read more

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