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JP Original Corp

Apparel & Fashion · City of Industry, California

Our vision is to be the global leader as the ultimate sourcing destination, bringing originality, creative, and inspiring sty ... les. Our success is measured by the relationships we cultivated, and maintained by providing dependable quality with exceptional value and service. In 1986, JP Original Corp. was incorporated with an ambitious vision of becoming the leading source for ladies fashion footwear on a global scale. Being a new and young company, we were filled with drive, determination, passion and dreams of becoming the best in the industry. Our emphasis was on reliable service and unwavering quality. The goal was to have our own brands and multiple branches worldwide. By 2004, we were spearheading the fashion industry in women’s shoes. JPO’s designs and attention to detail is unparalleled. Our styles evoked the beauty in all types of women, promoting individuality, creativity, intellect, romance, while maintaining affordability. Today, we are the proud owners of Bamboo, Anne Michelle, Society 86, and Sunny Feet. Branding and manufacturing private labels has become our specialty and we love working with every fashion retail chains, big and small, both locally and internationally. JPO has wholesale showrooms and offices in Los Angeles and New York. Through perseverance, innovative designs, customer-centric values, we have fulfilled the company’s worldly visions and more, while staying true to our humble roots. read more

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