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Journal of Cultural Marketing Strategy

Research · Manhattan Beach, CA

OVERVIEW Journal of Cultural Marketing Strategy is the premier refereed practitioner-based quarterly journal dedicated to the ... advancement of the practice of cultural marketing (a.k.a., multicultural, cross-cultural, and international marketing). Journal of Cultural Marketing Strategy is committed to publishing a broad spectrum of practical, methodological, and empirical articles that make a useful and substantive contribution to the field of cultural marketing. The journal is designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice. CONTENTS In each issue, the Journal will feature 10 papers: • 3 empirical research papers • 1 interview about a leading business practitioner • 3-4 methodological papers by business practitioners • 1-2 case studies of successful strategies Guided by a senior editorial board, consisting of leading cultural marketing experts, the Journal of Cultural Marketing Strategy provides useful, practical articles from leading professionals in the field on innovative strategies, techniques and trends, together with the latest applied research in multicultural and cross-cultural marketing and detailed analysis of how leading brands are managed. TARGET AUDIENCE JCMS seeks to focus on the key issues facing cultural marketing in today’s changing demographic and cultural climate. The Journal is essential reading for: Senior Management, Heads of Marketing, Heads of Research, Marketing Directors, Brand Managers and Marketing Managers, as well as SVPs, EVPs, VPs, Dept. Heads, Directors, and Senior Managers in: • Brand strategy and management • Sales and Marketing • Research and Advertising • PR and corporate communications • Digital, online and social marketing • Product development and management • Sponsorships CONTACT Dr. Jake Beniflah Editor, Journal of Cultural Marketing Strategy Daryn Moody Publisher, Henry Stewart Publications read more

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