Jones and Company Solicitors - Similar companies

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Jones and Company Solicitors

Law Practice ยท Retford, Notts

Jones & Company was established in 1780, operating from a single office in Retford. Since then, we have expanded to Bawtry, O ... llerton & Harworth and therefore have 4 offices covering both the Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire areas. We employ 75 members of staff, many of whom are acknowledged specialists in their own particular area of law. Jones & Company offer a range of legal services to clients, focusing mainly on residential and commercial property, criminal and civil litigation, family law issues, employment and wills, trusts and probate. The mix of services means we are able to help our clients with a wide range of legal issues, and in doing so, build up a long term relationship with them. This has been a key factor in the growth of our firm. read more

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