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Johnson & Pace Incorporated

Civil Engineering ยท Longview, TX

Johnson & Pace Incorporated is a one-stop source for engineering, architecture, and surveying services. Johnson & Pace is mor ... e than an engineering firm; Johnson & Pace offers a broad range of services to take your ideas from concept through planning and into successful reality. Johnson & Pace employs over 65 professionals with a wide range of backgrounds and capabilities: * Licensed Professional Engineers * Registered Professional Land Surveyors * Licensed Architects * Engineers-In-Training * Surveyors-In-Training * design draftsmen/technicians * administrative staff * LEED Accredited Professionals * Certified Floodplain Managers * Certified professionalsin Erosion and Sediment Control * GIS programmers Our depth of experience spans multiple disciplines: land planning and development, architecture, industrial design, water/wastewater engineering, transportation engineering, structural engineering design,MEP engineering, surveying and mapping, GIS solutions and services, and mine engineering services. read more

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