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Jobs Statewide

Staffing and Recruiting · Adelaide , South Australia

The organisation dates back to the early 80's and in 1998 was re-establised and started trading as Jobs Statewide Inc after w ... inning a contract to provide employment services under the Job Network (now Job Active). At the time, Jobs Statewide was one of only four organisations in South Australia to win a Job Network contract and this marked a period of rapid growth. Branches were opened in Adelaide, Modbury, Woodville and Salisbury. At the end of their first Job Network contract, Jobs Statewide received a five star rating for Intensive Assistance. From 1998 to 2003 staffing numbers jumped from 40 employees to 80 and Jobs Statewide Inc became the highest job network performer in South Australia and the second highest performer in Australia. Jobs Statewide’s success was largely due to its ability to work effectively with employers to understand their needs, ensure good quality candidates and client service, and often to create employment opportunities because of the trust built with employers. This led to Jobs Statewide continuing to open new branches in South Australia and in 2007 went interstate after being awarded contracts in Melbourne and Sydney. By 2009, Jobs Statewide had grown to employ 150 staff across 10 sites in four States, and were the highest performing jobs services provider in Australia. In 2014, Jobs Statewide launched its Disability Employment Service, winning new contracts in Adelaide and Sydney. In 2015, Jobs Statewide won a large division of business in the Federal government’s new employment services program, Job Active, winning a contract to open 17 offices in South Australia and New South Wales. The new contracts were a reward for Jobs Statewide’s high performance and focus on achieving sustainable outcomes. Today, Jobs Statewide operates six offices in Adelaide’s north and west, seven in Adelaide’s south and four in the Sydney East metro area. read more

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