Jewish Federation of Omaha - Similar companies

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Jewish Federation of Omaha

Civic & Social Organization ยท Omaha, NE

Welcome to the world of the Jewish Federation of Omaha, where the values of compassion, generosity, and responsibility inspir ... e us to improve the quality of life for people in Omaha, in Israel, and in over 70 countries. Together, we are doing a world of good. The Jewish Federation of Omaha is where we, as a community, develop innovative responses to critical issues. Where anyone who needs help can get it and where an energized Jewish community grows and celebrates. And where everyone, including you, can make a world of difference right now. Our mission is to build and sustain a strong and vibrant Omaha Jewish community and to support Jews in Israel and around the world. We're proud to have a high % of non-Jewish members and a diverse workforce, including highly dedicated employees with different religious beliefs in the following agencies: * Rose Blumkin Jewish Home (RBJH) * Jewish Senior Outreach (JSO) * Jewish Family Services (JFS) * Jewish Community Center (JCC) * Early Learning Center (ELC) * The Jewish Press * Institute of Holocaust Education (IHE) * Anti-Defamation League (ADL) read more

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